Suren Krmoyan participated in the Open Government Partnership Global Summit

On 7-9 December, Deputy Minister of Justice of the Republic of Armenia Suren Krmoyan participated in the Open Government Partnership ("OGP") Global Summit in Paris.
During the event, Suren Krmoyan presented a number of issues relating to the best practices of the Government of the Republic of Armenia aimed at making governance more transparent for citizens and civil society, as well as the steps that have been and will be taken in the near future to introduce a participatory governance system.
The Deputy Minister also presented the programmes developed within the framework of the OGP and being implemented in co-operation with the Public Councils adjunct to Ministers and the civil society and the progress recorded in the field of electronic governance.
During the discussion at the OGP Ministerial Roundtable, Suren Krmoyan noted that a unified website for publication of the drafts of legal acts ( had been developed in the Republic of Armenia. It provides government agencies with the opportunity to present draft legal acts to the public and organise online public discussions, guaranteeing the active participation of the representatives of civil society in law-making activities. The website provides the opportunity to become acquainted with the uploaded drafts, search drafts, follow the process, become acquainted with the submitted recommendations and, in case of registering on the website, submit recommendations, become acquainted with the summary of the recommendations on the drafts, the approved recommendations or the justification for disapproval.
OGP was launched as early as in 2011 and brings together representatives of the governments, non-governmental organisations and the civil societies of 70 participating countries, contributes to the promotion of the principles of open and transparent governance through the participation of these representatives, the fight against corruption, as well as the progress in the field of democracy by means of new technologies.