Minister Zeynalyan: The Ministry of Justice highly appreciates the resource of civil society and partnering relations


On 15 August, a discussion on the "Commitment to Constructive Dialogue" project, which is being implemented with the support of the EU, was held with representatives of non-governmental organisations and under the chairmanship of Minister of Justice of the Republic of Armenia Artak Zeynalyan. Deputy Minister of Justice Suren Krmoyan also participated in the meeting.

Minister Zeynalyan greeted the participants of the discussion and noted that the Ministry of Justice was always open to co-operation with non-governmental organisations. According to the Minister, the Ministry of Justice highly appreciates the resource of civil society and partnering relations. During the meeting, the representatives of the non-governmental organisations presented to the Minister some sector-specific issues included in the project — probation system and the institute for release on parole, the conditions of confinement of convicts, complex measures targeted at their resocialisation, as well as ensuring employment of persons in custody.

President of Armenian Lawyers Association NGO, "Commitment to Constructive Dialogue" Project Manager Karen Zadoyan comprehensively presented the general provisions of the project, the mechanisms introduced and the expected outcomes, particularly touching upon human rights protection, capacity-building of civil society and co-operation with the Government. Deputy Minister of Justice Suren Krmoyan noted that the Ministry of Justice actively continues to work with non-governmental organisations, as well as underlined the efforts of civil society aimed at introducing the Probation Service. Suren Krmoyan also touched upon the issues of employment of convicts and said that persons in custody currently have enough opportunities to have a profession and organise their daily activities. During the working discussion, processes envisaged by other parts of the project were also touched upon. Chairman of the "Journalists for Human Rights" law-defence NGO, "Human Rights, Monitoring and Publicity" Project Manager Zhanna Alexanyan noted that the above-mentioned organisation deals with reducing threats against human rights activists, protecting the rights of persons with disabilities, as well as protecting the rights of persons in closed institutions, that is, military servicemen and persons deprived of liberty.

Chairman of Civil Society Institute NGO, "Step towards a more just Armenia" Project Manager Artak Kirakosyan, lawyer for the "Step towards a more just Armenia" project Yevgenia Ivanova, "Human Rights, Monitoring and Publicity" project coordinator Lia Zoryan also participated in the working meeting devoted to the "Commitment to Constructive Dialogue" project.