Minister of Justice receives the Director General of the Directorate General for Human Rights and Rule of Law of the Council of Europe

On March 4, Minister of Justice of the Republic of Armenia Artak Zeynalyan received Director General of the Directorate General for Human Rights and Rule of Law of the Council of Europe Christos Giakoumopoulos. Head of the Council of Europe Office in Yerevan Natalia Vutova participated in the meeting as well.
The Minister discussed with his counterpart a number of issues related to the effective execution of judgments of the European Court of Human Rights, the increasing of the quality of prison healthcare and the development of the Probation Service. According to the Minister, the current Government bears the spirit of non-violent, velvet revolution carried out in Armenia and the responsibility to implement reforms in the field of human rights protection. “The new Government Programme records in a special line about the willingness and determination of Armenia to ensure execution of the ECHR judgments," — Minister Zeynalyan said, at the same time adding that although Armenia holds good positions in the Council of Europe with regard to execution of the ECHR judgments, the current Government will not be satisfied by that achievement and will do its utmost to record maximum result.
The Minister also informed that important legislative initiatives, in particular drafts of the Criminal and Criminal Procedure Codes are in the process and thanks to the unity of the Government and the body of the legislative power they will be adopted very quickly and be brought into life.
During the meeting, both parties attached importance to the "Strengthening healthcare and human rights protection in prisons of Armenia" Project implemented with the assistance of the Council of Europe, discussed the opportunities for its sustainability, as well as touched upon a number of issues related to the “Support to the implementation of judicial reform in Armenia” funded by the European Union and Council of Europe.