Activities for introduction of "E-penitentiary" electronic management system launched within the system of the Penitentiary Service

In order to increase the effectiveness of activities of the Penitentiary Service, to reduce document circulation, to ensure effective, transparent and accountable management in line with the development trends of innovative technologies, the 2019-2023 Strategy on the Penitentiary and Probation Sectors of the Republic of Armenia and its Implementation Action Plan for 2019-2023 provided for the introduction of the "E-penitentiary" electronic management system in the Penitentiary Service — the "Information Register of Detainees and Convicts". To implement the mentioned Strategy objective, a corporate network has already been set up among the Central Body of the Penitentiary Service and 12 penitentiary institutions, penitentiary institutions were replenished with necessary technical equipment (computers, devices and equipments reading ID cards and fingerprints, mobile cameras for digital photo and video shooting, etc.), necessary software solutions were provided, as well as a server room (data collection centre) was furnished.
The “E-penitentiary” system will fully include necessary information on all the functions performed under the legislation in relation to the detainees and convicts, the documents drawn up, the parole, the change of the regimes for serving punishment, the visits and the education. Moreover, the whole process of photo shooting, fingerprint taking, as well as video shooting shall be carried out digitally, archiving in the personal folder of each individual. One of the advantages of the automated complex will be the ability to generate reports in any format and to carry out analytical work; it will also be combined with electronic management systems of other agencies.
Since 15 August 2020, training courses have been launched for penitentiary officers to acquire skills necessary to use the system.
It is expected that from 2021, the "E-penitentiary" electronic management system will be fully operational.
In order to increase the effectiveness of activities of the Penitentiary Service, to reduce document circulation, to ensure effective, transparent and accountable management in line with the development trends of innovative technologies, the 2019-2023 Strategy on the Penitentiary and Probation Sectors of the Republic of Armenia and its Implementation Action Plan for 2019-2023 provided for the introduction of the "E-penitentiary" electronic management system in the Penitentiary Service — the "Information Register of Detainees and Convicts". To implement the mentioned Strategy objective, a corporate network has already been set up among the Central Body of the Penitentiary Service and 12 penitentiary institutions, penitentiary institutions were replenished with necessary technical equipment (computers, devices and equipments reading ID cards and fingerprints, mobile cameras for digital photo and video shooting, etc.), necessary software solutions were provided, as well as a server room (data collection centre) was furnished.
The “E-penitentiary” system will fully include necessary information on all the functions performed under the legislation in relation to the detainees and convicts, the documents drawn up, the parole, the change of the regimes for serving punishment, the visits and the education. Moreover, the whole process of photo shooting, fingerprint taking, as well as video shooting shall be carried out digitally, archiving in the personal folder of each individual. One of the advantages of the automated complex will be the ability to generate reports in any format and to carry out analytical work; it will also be combined with electronic management systems of other agencies.
Since 15 August 2020, training courses have been launched for penitentiary officers to acquire skills necessary to use the system.
It is expected that from 2021, the "E-penitentiary" electronic management system will be fully operational. [l1]