Minister of Justice discusses with President of the Venice Commission the additional legislative opportunities for subjecting judges to disciplinary liability


Minister of Justice of the Republic of Armenia Karen Andreasyan met with President of the European Commission for Democracy through Law (Venice Commission)
Gianni Buquicchio in Italy. The additional legislative opportunities for vetting of the judicial system within the scope of the current Constitution, as well as for subjecting judges to disciplinary liability were discussed during the meeting. The Minister presented to the President of the Venice Commission the process of implementation of constitutional reforms in the Republic of Armenia, stating that the Ministry of Justice has drafted the legislative package for establishing the new Commission on Constitutional Reforms and ensuring activities of the latter which will also be submitted to the Venice Commission for an opinion. During the meeting, Karen Andreasyan presented to the President of the Venice Commission the humanitarian issues existing in Nagorno-Karabakh due to the military aggression unleashed by Azerbaijan against the people of Nagorno-Karabakh, the gross violations of the Geneva Convention relative to the Treatment of Prisoners of War by Azerbaijan against Armenian prisoners of war, as well as pieces of evidence attesting to torture, cruel and inhuman treatment against them.

On 13-14, Minister of Justice of the Republic of Armenia Karen Andreasyan is participating in the Conference of Ministers of Justice of Council of Europe Member States entitled "Crime and Criminal Justice - The Role of Restorative Justice in Europe" in Venice, Italy.