During bilateral meeting in Venice, Minister of Justice of Georgia accepts invitation of Minister Karen Andreasyan to visit Armenia


Minister of Justice of the Republic of Armenia Karen Andreasyan met with Minister of Justice of Georgia Rati Bregadze. During the meeting, Karen Andreasyan presented the course of reforms that Armenia is implementing in the sectors of compulsory enforcement service of judicial acts and provision of public services, pinpointing the interest of Armenia in localising the experience of "Justice Homes" operating in Georgia. During the bilateral meeting in Venice, the Minister of Georgia accepted the invitation of Minister Karen Andreasyan to visit Armenia to predetermine the directions for reforms, as well as discuss the details for organising the 4th
Armenian-Georgian legal forum in Georgia.

On 13-14 December, Minister of Justice of the Republic of Armenia Karen Andreasyan participated in the Conference of Ministers of Justice of Council of Europe Member States entitled "Crime and Criminal Justice - The Role of Restorative Justice in Europe" in Venice, Italy.