Non-governmental organisations and extra-parliamentary political parties being included in the Council for Constitutional Reforms were selected through competitive procedure



Under the Decision of the Prime Minister of the Republic of Armenia, the Ministry of Justice announced on 21 December 2021 a competition for candidates for members of the Council for Constitutional Reforms.

Sevan non-governmental organisations and five extra-parliamentary political parties registered in the Republic of Armenia expressed interest in participating in the competition.

Summarising the results of the competition and based on the requirements for the competition prescribed under the Decision, the Ministry of Justice informs that:

Out of the five applications, submitted by the non-governmental organisations, recognised as complying with the criteria of the Decision, the following candidates were selected:

1. “Helsinki Citizens’ Assembly-Vanadzor” NGO (candidate — Arthur Sakunts).

2.“Union of Informed Citizens” NGO (candidate — Daniel Ioannisyan).

3.“Europe in Law” NGO (candidate — Tigran Yegoryan).

Out of the applications, submitted by the extra-parliamentary political parties, recognised as complying with the criteria of the Decision, the following candidates were selected:

1.“Lusavor Hayastan” political party (candidate — Edmon Marukyan).

2.“Hanrapetutyun” political party (candidate — Masis Melkonyan).

The list of the candidates will be submitted to the Office of the Prime Minister and will be approved by the Decision of the Prime Minister on the establishment of the Council for Constitutional Reforms, together with the full composition of the Council.