Ministry of Justice launches implementation of Public Administration Reforms Strategy upon assignment of Government


Deputy Minister of Justice Yeranuhi Tumanyants and Head of the Public Administration Reforms Group Astghik Movsisyan participated in the discussion on the Public Administration Reforms Strategy organised at the United Nations Office in Armenia.

In her opening remarks, Yeranuhi Tumanyants highlighted the importance of public administration reforms within the scope of the reforms being implemented by the Government. She particularly noted that, in addition to its sector-specific functions, the Ministry of Justice has assumed the implementation of another project of nation-wide significance.

By successfully completing the police sector reforms, particularly the establishment of the Patrol Service, the formation of anti-corruption institutions — the Commission for the Prevention of Corruption, the Anti-Corruption Committee, the Anti-Corruption Courts, and the Department for Oversight over Lawfulness of Pre-Trial Proceedings and the Department for Cases of Civil Forfeiture of Illegal Assets at the Anti-Corruption Committee of the Republic of Armenia — within the composition of the Prosecutor General's Office, now the Ministry of Justice is engaged in the extensive task of establishing the Ministry of Internal Affairs and implementing public administration reforms.

For each case, the Deputy Minister attached importance to the co-operation with international partners in all the stages of implementation of the reforms.

Advisor to Deputy Prime Minister Mher Grigoryan, Co-ordinator of the Public Administration Reforms Aneta Babayan also delivered her opening remarks at the event.

During the event, Astghik Movsisyan presented the Public Administration Reforms Strategy, the objective of which is to fundamentally review and modernise the value-based, methodological and behavioural foundations of the public administration system.

The challenges and current problems in the public administration system were touched upon during the discussion.

Acting UN Resident Coordinator in Armenia Lila Pieters Yahia attached importance to the willingness that Armenia has shown to implement the reforms in the public sector. She emphasised that the UN is always ready to support this major process.

Ambassador of the European Union to Armenia Andrea Wiktorin also welcomed the initiative and expressed willingness to support the implementation of actions arising from the Action Plan of the Public Administration Reforms Strategy. The aim of the meeting was to plan the phased implementation of the Public Administration Reforms in four main areas — strategic planning, policy development, public services, human resources and institutional development.

High-ranking guests from the diplomatic corps and international organisations, including representatives of the EU, the USAID, the ADB, the GIZ, the EBRD, the UN, the Council of Europe, the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund, as well as the International Committee of the Red Cross participated in the event.