A Police Guard will be formed, which will include Police troops, the General Department of State Protection and the accompanying battalions. Under the leadership of Arpine Sargsyan, the process of forming the Police Guard has been started


At the initiative of the Ministry of Justice, a discussion on the formation of the Police Guard was held under the leadership of Deputy Minister Arpine Sargsyan, in which Deputy Minister of Defense Arman Sargsyan, Commander of Police Forces, Deputy Chief of Police Hayk Babayan, representatives of state authorities, international organizations and civil society took part. 

In her opening speech, Deputy Minister Arpine Sargsyan emphasized the continuity of the planned reforms in the police sector, noting that this meeting gives a boost to the planning of the Police Guard formation, which is highly anticipated. The Guard will include the Police Forces, the General Department of State Protection of the Police and accompanying battalions. Accordingly, the Guard will, in fact, serve the following main functions: maintaining public order and ensuring public safety, protecting state and most important objects, ensuring the safety of transporting special cargo, ensuring the safety of high-ranking officials, as well as foreign delegations and representatives provided for by the state protocol.

Referring to the uniting structures, Sargsyan also noted that currently the Police forces are characterized by a combination of state functions of external security and law enforcement (respectively external and internal), which does not arise from the goals set before the police by law. The order of service in the police forces is in the domain of military legislation and being a structural unit of the police, the service is carried out by the Law "On Military Service and the Status of Servicemen" and by-laws derived therefrom. Therefore, it is necessary to demilitarize the police force and implement a "pure" police service under the roof of the to be established Police Guard.

Sargsyan stated that more generally, the formation of the Guard and the demilitarization of the Police forces considered under it refer to the cultural and legal demilitarization of the institution of the Police. This change will require structural changes and legislative amendments, which will refer to the review of the functional base, the change of the structure, the change of the procedure of recruitment of personnel, the review of social guarantees, as well as the change of the personnel education mechanism. A clear road map will be developed with a timeline and scope of responsibility.

Hayk Babayan, Commander of the Police Forces and Deputy Chief of the Police, emphasized that as a result of the planned reforms, the Police Forces should be really prepared, the scope of the functions should be clear, and the material and technical equipment necessary for their implementation should be necessary and sufficient. Babayan emphasized the involvement of Police forces in the meeting and expressed his willingness to support the process.

During the meeting, an active discussion took place; the issues raised by the participants were inventoried. An agreement has been reached to clarify the detailed picture of the individual components of the road map of the formation of the Guard by inventorying the issues and move forward.