Acting Minister of Justice Grigor Minasyan delivers speech at Global Forum against Racism and Discrimination 2022


Acting Minister of Justice Grigor Minasyan delivered a speech at Global Forum against Racism and Discrimination 2022.

In his speech, Minasyan noted that racism and discrimination are inhuman phenomena that violate fundamental human rights and are unacceptable in the modern world.

In the context of human rights protection, it has already been a long time since equal rights and equal treatment between persons became universal values.

Armenia highly appreciates the efforts that are being made for elimination of all types of discrimination. Minasyan noted that Armenia considers it very important to create an environment for all its residents, regardless of nationality or citizenship, in which the voices of citizens will be heard, their rights will be respected and protected by the state, society, as well as individuals. Summing up his speech, Grigor Minasyan stated the following: "Armenia is fully committed to the sublime goal of the international community to eliminate all types of discrimination so that we can create a happy, healthy and, most importantly, safer society, which will have the opportunity to live in a world deprived of hatred and discrimination."