Concept paper on main directions of the new Strategy for Penitentiary and Probation Sectors developed


A discussion on the concept paper on the main directions of the new Strategy for Penitentiary and Probation Sectors was held under the chairmanship of Deputy Minister of Justice Arpine Sargsyan.

Deputy Minister Sargsyan attached importance to the predetermination of new strategic directions, which derive from performance of the current Strategy for
2019-2023, the reports of international organisations, international expert opinion, the annual and extraordinary reports of the Human Rights Defender, the records of civil society representatives, as well as intrasystem assessments.

Arpine Sargsyan stated that among the priorities in the concept paper are the introduction of the concept of dynamic safety within penitentiary institutions, planning of risk and needs assessment for serving punishment, introduction of an institute for the preparation and performance evaluation of officers, increase of the efficiency of co-operation between penitentiary and probation officers, substantive and conceptual improvement of reports on conditional early release, expansion of the number of
re-socialisation centres, improvement of building conditions, etc.

During the meeting, the concept paper, which is based on the basic idea of re-socialisation and reintegration of a convict in a safe and secure environment, prioritising reintegration of the convict, not just execution of the punishment, was presented by the international and national experts involved in the development of the concept paper on strategic directions with the support of the Netherlands Helsinki Committee.

Representatives of the Office of the Human Rights Defender, civil society representatives, as well as representatives of the Ministry of Justice, Penitentiary and Probation Services participated in the meeting.

The meeting was organised by Civil Society Institute NGO within the scope of the AISPIRA Programme.