Venice Commission considers draft for introduction of mechanisms for appealing decisions on subjecting judges in the Supreme Judicial Court to disciplinary liability


Advisor to the Minister of Justice Artyom Sujyan participated in the 133rd Plenary Session of the European Commission for Democracy through Law.

The draft Law “On making amendments and supplements to the Constitutional Law “Judicial Code of the Republic of Armenia””, which particularly recommends introducing a mechanism for appealing decisions that are rendered after examining issues on subjecting a judge to disciplinary liability, was considered during the session.

In his speech, Artyom Sujyan expressed gratitude to the Commission for the ongoing and effective support that it provides to the judicial and legal reforms being implemented in the Republic of Armenia.

Within the scope of the session, an exchange of views was held between the Advisor to the Ministry and representatives of the Commission, after which the opinion of the Commission on the draft was approved; based on the opinion, the Commission positively assessed the implementation of the proposed reforms and emphasised that the aim of the draft is to respond to the recommendations previously made by the Commission.

The opinion of the Venice Commission has already been posted on the official website of the Commission, which is accessible at the following link: