Inter-agency discussion on proposed amendments to the Law "On the legal regime of martial law" held under chairmanship of Deputy Minister of Justice Armenuhi Harutyunyan


Upon initiative of Deputy Minister of Justice Armenuhi Harutyunyan, a discussion on the drafts of the Laws "On making amendments and supplements to the Law "On the legal regime of martial law"", "On making a supplement to the Law "On defence"", "On making supplements to the Law ’On the military service and the status of military servicemen’" and "On making a supplement to the Law ‘On the fundamentals of administrative action and administrative proceedings’" was held. Among the participants of the discussion were representatives of the state bodies who had sent comments and suggestions during circulation of the drafts. The working discussion was organised to gather all the comments submitted and to take into consideration the objections and recommendations regarding the draft.

Representatives of the National Security Service, the Security Council, the Office of the Human Rights Defender, the Central Bank, the Ministries of Defence, Internal Affairs, Emergency Situations, High-Tech Industry and Territorial Administration and Infrastructures participated in the discussion. The effectiveness of the regulations proposed under the Drafts, the scope of consequences expected in case of adoption of the Drafts and a number of other issues were also discussed during the meeting. This discussion will be followed by a broader discussion with representatives of the public sector, media experts and specialists who have expressed their opinions on the draft in this or that format.