First stage of qualification examination of notaries was launched


On October 27, the first stage of qualification examination of notaries — involving a test — was launched with participation of 34 applicants. The test for the first group of candidates started at 10:00, and the test for the second group-at 15:00.

By wishing the participants success, Deputy Minister of Justice of the Republic of Armenia, Chairperson of the Commission for Qualification Examination of Notaries Vigen Kocharyan presented the testing procedure and noted that, upon the decision of the Commission for Qualification Examination of Notaries of the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Armenia, the sample of the test and questionnaire had been in advance posted on the website of the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Armenia. The tests included questions on the Constitution of the Republic of Armenia, the Law “On notary”, the Civil Code of the Republic of Armenia, as well as the Law “On state registration of rights to property”.

The Deputy Minister informed that the test was composed of one hundred questions and that the passing score was eighty; an applicant will receive one point for each correct answer, and zero points for a wrong answer or for writing more than one answers for the indicated question.

Attached is the list of persons who passed the stage of test of qualification examination of notaries.