Final discussion on draft National Strategy for Human Rights Protection and the Action Plan for 2020-2022 deriving therefrom took place


Today, the final public discussion on the draft National Strategy for Human Rights Protection and the Action Plan for 2020-2022 deriving therefrom took place.

In his welcoming speech, Head of the Department of International Legal Cooperation of the Staff of the Ministry Justice Tigran Grigoryan expressed his gratitude to the representatives of state bodies and non-governmental organisations actively involved in the discussions, informing them that the final sector-specific discussion concerns the issues of ensuring equal rights and equal opportunities. Summarising his speech, Tigran Grigoryan urged the participants to send the recommendations having emerged during the discussions on the draft Strategy to the Ministry of Justice in writing.

Afterwards, a question-and-answer session on the draft Strategy was held.

Let us remind that the series of public discussions on the draft National Strategy for Human Rights Protection and the Action Plan for 2020-2022 deriving therefrom started on 25 October.