Online workshop on www.e-rights platform launched within the scope of the Strategy for the Protection of Human Rights


Today, the Ministry of Justice organised an online workshop dedicated to the presentation of the www.e-rights platform aimed at increasing the accountability and transparency of the 2020-2022 Action Plan arising from the National Strategy for the Protection of Human Rights.

Nearly a dozen representatives of the state bodies and agencies responsible for the implementation of actions envisaged by the Action Plan participated in the workshop. During the workshop, the representatives of the Ministry of Justice provided information on the toolkit for the platform, in particular on posting semi-annual reports of state bodies on the implementation of each action prescribed by the decision of the Government, change of status of actions and the means and methods for responding to comments.

Let us remind that the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Armenia has developed and launched the platform on April 1 for the purpose of ensuring the accountability and transparency of the activities of the Government in the field of human rights protection. This platform — organised within the scope of the EU-funded “Promotion and Protection of Human Rights” Project, which is implemented by the United Nations Industrial Development Organization, the United Nations Population Fund and the UNICEF — provides the opportunity to:

●     get acquainted with the National Strategy for the Protection of Human Rights and the Action Plan arising therefrom online;

●     get acquainted with the process of implementation of the actions;

●     publish the reports submitted by the state bodies;

●     make comments on the actions.