Rustam Badasyan participates in remote meeting devoted to achievements of the Strengthening Anti-Corruption Reforms in Armenia Program and future actions


On 8 July 2020, Minister Rustam Badasyan participated in a remote meeting devoted to the achievements of the Strengthening Anti-Corruption Reforms in Armenia Program jointly organised by the OSCE and the UN Development Programme and the future actions.

Deputy Ministers of Justice Srbuhi Galyan and Kristinne Grigoryan, high-level officials of the OSCE and UNDP at the Anti-Corruption Office, representatives of the managing staff of the embassies of different countries participated in the meeting as well.

During the discussion, Minister Badasyan expressed gratitude to the colleagues for the effective co-operation and for providing ongoing support to the reforms in the anti-corruption field.

In his speech, the Minister touched upon the recent strategic and institutional changes made by Armenia in the anti-corruption field , the current activities, and presented information regarding the steps to be taken in the near future.

As a result of the discussions, the participants expressed their willingness to continue to support the anti-corruption reforms in Armenia and particularly in the processes of creation and institutional functioning of anti-corruption bodies.

Educational Complex of the Police announcing open competition for selection of trainers to conduct instruction within the framework of establishment of new Patrol Service

In the context of the large-scale reforms in the police sector launched in December 2019, the Government has undertaken the establishment of a new Patrol Service, and this was also approved by Decision No 638-L of 23 April 2020 “On approving the Strategy for Reforms of the Police of the Republic of Armenia and the 2020-2022 Action Plan arising from the Strategy”.

The establishment of a new Patrol Service will serve as the first wave of modern police with new functions, new equipment, new education and skills and, most importantly, a new mindset. The steps for formation of these new values will be taken at the Educational Complex of the Police of the Republic of Armenia during instruction that will last 5 months (September-January).

In order to have law-enforcement authorities on the basis of the policy of serving and protecting and not punishing, as well as in order to have patrol officers worthy of respect, it is necessary to update the training programmes, modernise the learning and the environment, and, of course, “instructor-student” relations. At the same time, alongside all this, what is important is the development of syllabuses specific to the content and philosophy of the Patrol Service and instruction based on that content and philosophy.


Selection process 

1.     Competition for lecturers conducting instruction for the Patrol Service (25 May-July 31);

2.     The selection is made on a competitive basis and in two stages-acceptance of documents (25 May-10 July) and interview (15-20 July-interview, 21-31 July-summarisation of interview results);

3.     The first stage is the examination of documents, and the second stage is the interview with the Commission comprising representatives of the Educational Complex of the Police of the Republic of Armenia, the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Armenia and the Police of the Republic of Armenia.



4.     The selected trainers will complete TOT/ a seven-day online training for trainers.


Information about who can apply and other useful information

1.     Start of the instruction for the Patrol Service (starts in September and lasts 5 months);

2.     List of subjects and hours are attached  (Annex 1);

3.     Required qualification

  • At least 3 years of professional experience in the relevant field of higher education and in the given field
  • Knowledge of Russian or English (fluency)

Required skills

  • Mastering the modern methods of instruction
  • Communication skills

1.     List of documents to be submitted is attached (Annex 2)

2.     Application form is attached (Annex 3)

3.     The template for stating the vision for holding one lesson of the selected subject or module is provided for by Annex 4, and the teaching methodology suggested by the trainer candidate will be assessed based on that template.



1.     The cost of 1 lesson (2 academic hours) is AMD 6 000, including taxes (for civilians).

2.     If a trainer is a police officer, remuneration will be ensured through additional monetary reward.

Other terms

Before the launch of the educational programme (September 2020), the selected trainers will develop the syllabuses of the modules for which they applied and were selected.

The trainers will undergo special training devoted to the modern methodologies for instruction of patrol officers and models for adult education. They will also receive guidelines for effective syllabuses.

This instruction process will be ongoing for preparation officers in marzes following introduction of the system in Yerevan, as well as for the ongoing training of patrol officers.


If you have any questions, please call:

+37410 594028; +37410 770981:

Only the applications sent to the following two e-mail addresses will be accepted:; (please, send applications to both addresses at once).

When applying, please, clearly indicate the subject on the list of subjects for which you are applying.

We look forward to receiving your applications.