Unified Office for Public Services is launched in Ijevan


On 13 March, the Ministry of Justice, together with Haypost, launched a Unified Office for Public Services in the territory of Haypost central office in Ijevan, Tavush Marz centre.

The official opening of the Office was attended by Minister of Justice of the Republic of Armenia Rustam Badasyan, Minister of High-Tech Industry of the Republic of Armenia Hakob Arshakyan, Marzpet of Tavush Marz of the Republic of Armenia Hayk Chobanyan, and General Director of “Haypost” CJSC Hayk Karapetyan.

The Unified Office will allow our citizens to receive in one place not only the services provided to them by the Civil Status Acts Registration Agency of the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Armenia, the Agency for State Registration of Legal Entities, the National Archives but also those being provided by the Social Security Service of the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs of the Republic of Armenia, the Passport and Visa Department of the Police of the Republic of Armenia, State Revenue Committee of the Republic of Armenia and the State Committee of Real Estate Cadastre of the Republic of Armenia. All the above-mentioned services will be provided in one place by experienced staff of the relevant departments.

Minister of Justice Rustam Badasyan mentioned that after the Unified Office for Public Services opened in the centre of Yerevan, the one launched in Ijevan is the second one, and it became possible to open as a result of co-operation with Haypost. As Minister Badasyan informed, “the Government facilitates the provision of services to citizens in three main directions: exclusion of redundancy in administration, digitalization (so that the service can be received on-line), and launching of the Unified Office for Public Services (to make public services accessible to the residents of our marzes to the extent possible)” noted Minister of Justice of the Republic of Armenia Rustam Badasyan.


"About a dozen, up to a hundred, services are currently in place and are all served in a single place. I think this creates new opportunities for citizens. This trend will be continuous. In the near future, within the framework of the development strategy of the Post, 2-3 similar major offices will be opened in different cities, which will allow providing better quality services to our citizens in a single place” said Minister of
High-Tech Industry of the Republic of Armenia Hakob Arshakyan.

"We are very happy that the first Marz office is being opened in Tavush. The quality of services will significantly increase from this day on. With this we undertake the commitment to provide high quality services to our citizens" noted Marzpet of Tavush Marz of the Republic of Armenia Hayk Chobanyan.

"Haypost is ready to undertake the provision of services to our customers in compliance with international standards. This office being opened today in Ijevan is the first step to the “one-stop shop” principle application; the customer receives several services at the same time on one visit in a single place. This initiative will soon have its continuation in other Marz centres; it is planned to launch similar offices in Kapan, Gyumri and Vanadzor” noted General Director of “Haypost” CJSC Hayk Karapetyan.

We would like to remind that citizens will receive the services provided by the following bodies at the Unified Office for Public Services:

Civil Status Acts Registration Agency,

Agency for State Registration of Legal Entities;

Social Security Service,

National Archives,

Passport and Visa Department,

Committee of Cadastre,

State Revenue Committee.

The address of Haypost office in Ijevan is 10 Yerevanyan Street, Ijevan.