For the first time, officers of the Patrol Police join service in Yerevan


For the first time, the officers of the Patrol Police joined the service in Yerevan.

In December 2019, the Prime Minister assigned to the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Armenia to elaborate jointly with the Police the Programme for Police Reforms of the Government, which was elaborated with the involvement of all responsible persons, international partners, reputable experts and human rights defenders and was approved by the Government in April 2020.

The strategy pre-determined changes in several important directions — transformation of external service through the introduction of the new Patrol Service and the Operational Management Centre, reforms of police troops, formation of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, transfer of provision of public services to the Ministry from the Police, and changes in the Criminal and Community Police.

The image of the new police officer trusted by the public was chosen as a guideline for a contextual and reasonable change in the field, at the basis whereof the best international practice, objectives set before the Police in our country, new people in the profession in order to bring in fresh blood, fundamentally review professional education, transform the educational environment, equip the Service with up-to-date equipment and special means, as well as the sequence of clear and calculated steps for the creation of a public servant having integrity, accountability and professionalism were put.

Various international partners (US, EU, OSCE, UNDP, World Bank) expressed their support to the implementation of the systemic and large-scale programme, which provided support in the amount of more than AMD 5 billion  just during 2020 and assumed support in at least the same amount for 2021-2022. 

The difficulties of 2020 — the pandemic, war, further strengthened our faith and will to form an external service that serves the public, helps people in a difficult situation, and is professional and reliable.

The announcement for admission of students of the Patrol Service of Lori and Shirak marzes will follow soon.

The reforms continue.