From disciplinary sanctions to suspension of activity - Control Department of Ministry of Justice presents the results of the official examination conducted in January-June


The working group of the Control Department of the Ministry of Justice, under the chairmanship of Deputy Head of the Department Artashes Suchyan, gathering the complaints of citizens, as well identifying other shortcomings, consistently continues to fight against the non-bona fide servants and defective phenomena that are detected within the subdivisions of the Ministry through the measures provided for within the scope of disciplinary proceedings.

As a result of the disciplinary proceedings instituted against 9 notaries public, disciplinary liability measures, i.e. warning, reprimand, severe reprimand and suspension of activity for a month, were applied. Within the scope of disciplinary proceedings, one notary public was dismissed from work based on the submitted application

One disciplinary proceedings against bankruptcy administrator was carried out, as a result of which a disciplinary liability measure, i.e. reprimand, was imposed.

Based on the results of studies conducted by the Compulsory Enforcement Service under a department’s annual action plan, based on the results of disciplinary proceedings assigned based on the instructions given, a disciplinary sanction, i.e. warning was imposed against 7 compulsory enforcement officers, the materials on proceedings were taken note of with regard to 2 parts, and, within the scope of disciplinary proceedings, 1 compulsory enforcement officer was dismissed from office according to the application submitted by the compulsory enforcement officer.

As a result of two official examinations assigned based on the instructions given within the scope of study of applications-complaints, disciplinary sanction, i.e. 2 warnings and 1 reprimand, were imposed against 3 compulsory enforcement officers.

Based on the summary of the findings of internal audit performed within a non-commercial organisation operating in the field of co-ordination of the Ministry of Justice, a disciplinary sanction, i.e. reprimand, was imposed against the head of the organisation.

According to the results of the official examinations conducted with regard to the processes of civil status acts registration, disciplinary sanction, i.e. reprimand, was imposed in two cases, and during official examination of one case, the employee was dismissed from the position held, in accordance with the application of the employee.

Two of the applications-complaints submitted with regard to the activities of the Agency for State Register of Legal Entities were granted partially and, as a result of the instituted administrative proceedings, the relevant acts of the Agency for State Register of Legal Entities were abolished.

Court representation was carried out under 6 court cases instituted against the Ministry of Justice.