Inter-agency working group in digitisation field holds first session


The inter-agency working group — set up by the order of the Minister of Justice and jointly co-ordinating the activities for creating the electronic justice system — held its first session.

Representatives of the Central Bank, the Supreme Judicial Council, the Prosecutor General’s Office, the Police, the Notarial Chamber, the Compulsory Enforcement Service, the Penitentiary and Probation Services and other government agencies were attending the session.

During the session, Acting Minister of Justice Grigor Minasyan suggested discussing the issues having arisen in the process of digitisation in the justice sector.

The members of the working group raised their issues and the problems with the programmes being jointly implemented with the Minister of Justice, and co-operation with the banking system, the activities for digitisation of the law-enforcement system, the measures being implemented to reduce the workload of courts, including the processes of digitisation of civil and administrative procedures were particularly touched upon.

Agreements for more effective co-operation over the issues raised during the session were reached and the upcoming activities were highlighted.

At the end of the meeting, Grigor Minasyan, attaching importance to meetings in such format and emphasising their importance, suggested that the sessions of the working group be convened more frequently.