It is proposed to introduce mandatory conciliation and envisage an option for on-line reconciliation for certain family cases; the draft package has been submitted to the National Assembly in the second reading


Today, Acting Minister of Justice Grigor Minasyan introduced the package of legislative amendment for making amendments and supplements to the Law “On conciliation” and related laws which are aimed at establishing the institution of conciliation in the Republic of Armenia, as well as reducing the workload of courts.

The package of drafts proposes to introduce mandatory conciliation and envisage an option for on-line conciliation in certain family cases, establish the electronic procedure for selection and appointment of a candidate for conciliator and the legal regulations for improvement of the process of qualification of conciliators, the management bodies of self-regulating organisations and their powers shall be specified, the occasions and grounds for subjecting a conciliator to disciplinary liability and the peculiarities of disciplinary proceedings shall be envisaged.

Let us mention that the legislative package was adopted in the first reading on 5 October 2022. In particular, the scope of family cases subject to mandatory conciliation was specified, the possibility for a conciliator to refuse to conduct conciliation, the transitional provisions provided for a regulation, according to which the provisions on mandatory conciliation would enter into force when 15 conciliators are added to the list of conciliators conducting conciliation in family cases, but not earlier than one year after the official publication.