Varuzhan Avetisyan has been examined once again. His hemodynamic data recorded were within the normal range


Varuzhan Avetisyan is constantly under the supervision of the "Nubarashen" medical staff of the “Prison Medical Center” SNCO.

Today, on November 18, during a admission at the penitentiary, V. Avetisyan stated that he had a complaint about his well-being the night before, which has now passed and according to the convict, he does not need any medication at the moment. The convict also presented certain complaints related to his health condition, which, according to the latter, are of a permanent nature.

Regarding the failure to present the above-mentioned complaints during the previous admission, the convict explained that due to the nature of the complaint, he did not attach importance to it. 

The hemodynamic data recorded as a result of the examination were within the norm. V. Avetisyan underwent a number of tests. Based on the results of the latter, the further course of treatment will be determined as necessary.

At present V. Avetisyan's health condition is satisfactory.