6 participants pass first stage of qualification test for Bankruptcy Administrators


The Ministry of Justice, under the chairmanship of Deputy Minister Armenuhi Harutyunyan, has summed up the results of the examination of appeals submitted with regard to the results of evaluation of the test assignments and case problem solving in the first stage of qualification test for Bankruptcy Administrators (hereinafter referred to as "the qualification test") held on 11 November 2022.

Based on the results of the appeals, 6 participants passed the first stage of the qualification test.

For information, it should be noted that the participants who scored at least thirty points for test assignments and ten points for problem solving shall be eligible to participate in the second stage of the qualification test — the interview. The interview stage shall be held no later than within a twenty-day period after the results of appeals of the first stage of the qualification test are summed up, and if no appeal is filed — upon expiry of the time period envisaged for appeal. Participants shall be informed about the day for conducting the interview stage no later than one week before holding the interview.