Exclusive right to use software and software codes has been transferred to the Compulsory Enforcement Service of the Ministry of Justice


Due to the efforts and effective negotiations of the Ministry of Justice, a delivery and acceptance act for "Armlex" software codes and other documents has been concluded between the Compulsory Enforcement Service and "Macy's Information Systems" INC, based on the "Gratuitous Use" contract concluded between the Company and the Compulsory Enforcement Service back in 2020.

According to the aforementioned contract, the Compulsory Enforcement Service was granted the exclusive right by "Macy's Information Systems" INC to use the "Armlex" software, which ensures document circulation between courts of the Republic of Armenia and the Service, including the process of issuing a writ of execution.

With "Armlex" software codes handed over to the state, the Republic of Armenia, as represented by the Ministry of Justice and the Service, shall obtain the full toolkit required for ensuring continuity and further improvement of the document circulation system.

The Ministry of Justice highly appreciates the co-operation between “Macy's Information Systems" INC with the Ministry and the Compulsory Enforcement Service which will ensure organising of efficient and fast-paced activities of court instances and the Compulsory Enforcement Service of the Republic of Armenia, as well as the guarantee of the rights of the citizens that are parties to the proceedings.

This serves as the best example of sustainable and mutually reliable public-private partnership.