International Anti-Corruption Conference — Delegation of the Ministry of Justice in Washington


Deputy Secretary General of the Ministry of Justice Nvard Vardanyan and Head of the Department of Anti-Corruption Policy Development and Monitoring Hasmik Tigranyan are on a working visit to Washington D.C. — the capital of the USA where they are taking part in the International Anti-Corruption Conference.

The Conference is the most large-scale event devoted to the fight against corruption that gathers more than 2000 representatives of states that are parties to the United Nations Convention against Corruption, as well as representatives of international sector-specific organisations and civil societies.

The scope of discussions at the Conference covers issues related to anti-corruption policy, the prevention of corruption, the return of property of illicit origin, the revelation of corruption crimes, the regulation of cryptocurrencies and the prevention of corruption through regulation, the improvement of money-laundering regulations, within the framework of which the participants share their best practices and consider recommendations aimed at facing challenges.