"Expertise Centre" SNCO of the Ministry of Justice to conduct expert examinations of precious metals and precious stones from now on


Pursuant to the decision of the Government of the Republic of Armenia, the following expert examinations will also be conducted by the "Expertise Centre of the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Armenia" SNCO: 1. expert examinations of precious metals, precious stones and items made from them which are deposited into the State Treasury of Precious Metals and Precious Stones, ensuring of 2 quality assessments and conduct of verification analyses of precious metals, as well as determination of the name of precious stones and ensuring of quality assessment, expert examinations of precious metals, precious stones and items made from them, based on the decisions adopted by state bodies and courts; 2. ensuring of assessment and conduct of verification analyses of precious metals, as well as determination of the name of precious stones and ensuring of quality assessment, expert examinations of precious metals, precious stones and items made from them based on the decisions adopted by state bodies and courts; 3. market assessment of precious metals, precious stones and items made from them which are deposited into or withdrawn from the Treasury; 4. expert examinations of museum specimens and archival values containing precious metals and precious stones.