Investigative and other actions with participation of children who are witnesses and victims to be piloted under “one-stop shop” principle in Yerevan and Kapan cities — Results of activities of Council for Juvenile Justice for this year summed up under chairmanship of Deputy Minister Arpine Sargsyan


Deputy Minister of Justice, Chairperson of the Council for Juvenile Justice
Arpine Sargsyan delivered opening remarks at the session of the inter-agency council, noting that, as a result of the activities in the current year, inter alia, the Barnahus model will be piloted in Yerevan and Kapan cities in the beginning of 2023; within the scope of the Barnahus model, access to justice will be ensured for children who are witnesses and victims in criminal proceedings, and interrogation, medical examination and other assistance, especially in cases of sexual violence, will be carried out in one place, that is to say, under the “one-stop shop” principle.

Arpine Sargsyan stated that the piloting will be on the basis of a state body and a
non-governmental organisation, within the scope of outsourced powers, which will enable to assess the cost-effectiveness of the two models and project them on other marzes of the Republic.

Sargsyan also recorded that an agreement has been reached with international partners according to which the qualification of another group of psychologists will be held in January-February 2023, enabling them to participate in the investigative actions that are carried out with juveniles, persons with no active legal capacity or persons with mental health problems, based on the new Criminal Procedure Code.

Within the scope of the session, an active discussion was held on prevention of juvenile delinquency and the activities to be carried out at Republican Special Educational Complex No 1 (Vardashen). An agreement has been reached according to which the package of legislative proposals regarding the first topic will be developed by a group of experts, whereas the directions for providing solutions to the issues will be predetermined in regard to the second topic.

Chairperson of the Council Arpine Sargsyan summed up the important directions of the activities of the Council for the next year.

Deputy Chairperson of the Investigative Committee Arsen Ayvazyan and Co-ordinator of the Juvenile Justice Programme of UNICEF Armenia Victoria Ohanyan also delivered opening remarks within the scope of the session.