"Expertise Center of the Republic of Armenia" SNCO resumes examination of fibres and fabrics after long interval


After a long interval, the Department of Biological and Narcotics Forensic Examinations of the Expertise Centre has begun to conduct qualitative expert examination of fibres and fabrics and quantitative expert examination of the contents of fibres and fabrics.

The object of research may be certain textile fibres and threads for technical use, thread products, yarns, sewing threads, fabrics, knitted fabric, objects for domestic use (linen, carpets), their parts, cords, ropes, as well as burnt remains of clothes and thread-like objects.

The objectives of the research are:

✓     to establish belonging to individual or general class of textile fibre particles, threads, fabrics, knitted fabrics and particles of other threads;

✓     to determine the initial shape of burnt clothing or other thread objects;

✓     to determine belonging of a piece of fabric to a particular object;

✓     to determine the ways of making thread fabrics;

✓     to establish the general source of emergence of thread fabrics.