Another 28 psychologists to participate in investigative actions with participation of juveniles, persons with no active legal capacity or with mental health problems after undergoing training and receiving qualification


Deputy Minister of Justice Levon Balyan participated in and delivered opening remarks at the training course — for psychologists involved in investigative actions with participation of juveniles, persons with no active legal capacity or persons with mental health problem, and with the desire to participate in the qualification test — announced by the Ministry of Justice.

Deputy Minister Balyan wished the psychologists success and assured that the best psychologists of Armenia are selected to hold the training course.

Balyan emphasised that their efforts will be effective after long and hard work.

There were 37 psychologists who applied for admission announced by the Ministry, but 28 applicants crossed the passing threshold of the examination.

The psychologists having passed the examination will undergo training.

The training courses were organised by the "Legal Education and Rehabilitation Programmes Implementation Centre" State Non-Commercial Organisation of the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Armenia and in co-operation with international partners, including the United Nations Population Fund (UNFP) and the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF), within the scope of the "Accountable Institutions and Human Rights Protection in Armenia" project being implemented with funding from the European Union.