Deputy Minister of Justice Ara Mkrtchyan attaches importance to the collaboration with the CoE in the processes of implementing reforms in the anti-corruption sector


Deputy Minister of Justice Ara Mkrtchyan received the representatives of the Council of Europe.

The parties discussed the projects “Strengthening healthcare and human rights protection in prisons in Armenia”, “Support the Scaling-Up of the Probation Service in Armenia”, implemented under the Council of Europe Action Plan for Armenia 2019-2022.

The Deputy Minister attached importance to the support of the CoE provided within the framework of the 2022-2026 Strategy for Judicial and Legal Reforms of the Republic of Armenia and the Action Plan deriving therefrom for organising discussions with participation of the interested parties, as well as for assisting the works on elaboration of legislative draft packages.

The CoE support in terms of providing opinions by the Venice Commission on projects developed by the Ministry was also emphasised.

It is envisaged to continue the collaboration with the CoE with regard to implementation of reforms in the anti-corruption sector, capacity building of anti-corruption bodies, and improvement of legislation, development of a new anti-corruption strategy and implementation of measures deriving therefrom.