The inaugural session of the anti-corruption strategy working group took place. Deputy Minister Karen Karapetyan discussed the vision of the main directions of the strategy


The inaugural session of the working group created to develop the Anti-corruption Strategy and its Action plan for 2023-2026 has taken place.

Deputy Minister of Justice, head of the working group, Karen Karapetyan, in his opening speech, thanked the representatives of state authorities and non-governmental organizations for being included in the working group.

During the session, the Deputy Minister of Justice briefly referred to the works initiated and implemented in the direction of the development of this strategy, he presented the vision of the main directions of the strategy to the discussion of the working group, and also proposed the schedule for the implementation of the works.

During the meeting, various proposals were made regarding strategy development methodology, main directions, needs collection formats and further steps of work organization.

It is planned to carry out a needs assessment as soon as possible and start developing the project of the strategy and measures for its implementation.

The working group, which was formed in accordance with Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan's decree issued at the meeting of the Anti-Corruption Policy Council held on February 11, consists of 34 representatives of state agencies and non-governmental organizations.