Newly renovated service hall to provide proper and quality services


Minister of Justice Grigor Minasyan and Chief Compulsory Enforcement Officer Arsen Mnatsakanyan toured in the newly renovated service hall of the Compulsory Enforcement Service provided for citizens.

Using the introduced listing system on the spot, the Minister followed the process of providing information, got acquainted with working conditions and quality of service.

Grigor Minasyan emphasised that proper service for and provision of quality services to citizens should be increased more in the renovated service hall. "The citizen should feel that the Compulsory Enforcement Service is by the side of the citizen to protect his or her rights," the Minister noted.

Chief Compulsory Enforcement Officer Arsen Mnatsakanyan assured that in parallel with the functions of the newly opened Citizens Reception Centre, everything possible would be done to improve the quality of services provided for citizens in the Citizens Service Hall.

It should be noted that 600 citizens are served in the Service Hall daily, payments are made and applications are accepted in relation to obligations, other information regarding enforcement proceedings are provided.