European states and the USA have expressed their willingness to support the implementation of anti-corruption reforms


Hasmik Tigranyan, acting head of the anti-corruption policy development and monitoring department of the Ministry of Justice, presented the reforms implemented in the framework of the fight against corruption in Armenia at the "OECD Integrity Week" forum.

The events were held in Paris and were dedicated to anti-corruption policy, integrity in the business sector, compliance and anti-corruption issues related to the business sector, and public-private sector cooperation in their solution.

Hasmik Tigranyan participated in the international forum on the problems of fighting corruption in the business sector, to which, by the way, only Armenia was invited from the South Caucasus, Middle and Central Asia region, in the work of developing a guide on business conduct envisaged within the framework of the UN Convention "Against Corruption".

The representative of the Ministry presented the anti-corruption reforms planned under the strategic objective related to corruption problems in the private sector within the framework of the 2023-2026 anti-corruption strategy of the Republic of Armenia for the last 4 years .

The European states and the USA have expressed their readiness to provide support in the implementation of the planned reforms.

During the official visit, Hasmik Tigranyan presented a number of recommendations on the development of the document to the expert working group in order to develop the OECD regional key performance indicators (KPI) of anti-corruption policy and business conduct. As a result, the countries of the OECD region, including Armenia, will undergo an assessment, with the results of which regional annual reports will be drawn up.

This is a unique opportunity for Armenia to become a participant in the development of the expected international obligations and to have an impact on the scope and content of the emerging obligations.

Reference was also made to the improvement of the legal tools aimed at increasing the behavior of officials and the latter not conducting business, the formats of state and private sector cooperation in the fight against corruption, as well as the inefficient management of public resources, the existing problems in the fight against international/transnational corruption crimes and bribery.

The OECD events were carried out at the initiative of the US State Department, to which the anti-corruption agencies of France, the UK and Germany, the World Bank, the World Economic Forum, the International Monetary Fund, other international actors in the anti-corruption and economic spheres and non-governmental organizations made a professional contribution.