Forum devoted to issues of anti-corruption education and public awareness was held

Deputy Minister of Justice Karen Karapetyan touched upon the issues of anti-corruption education and public awareness at the forum devoted to anti-corruption education and public awareness, which are enshrined by the new Anti-Corruption Strategy and the 2023-2026 Action Plan arising from the Strategy as the main direction, with emphasis on the fact that the Strategy serves as the bedrock for success of the anti-corruption policy. Karen Karapetyan also touched upon the 2024-2026 Communication Concept Paper and Action Plan within the scope of the Anti-Corruption Strategy — approved by the order of the Minister of Justice; the main objectives of the Communication Concept Paper and Action Plan are to ensure public support to the reforms being implemented and effective implementation of the anti-corruption reforms by effectively raising awareness of the public and different target groups about the main directions of the Strategy and the activities being carried out and through inclusion of the society, as well as to raise public awareness about the scope of powers and functions of specialised anti-corruption bodies. Karen Karapetyan also emphasised the key and pivotal role of civil society in reinforcement of intolerance of the society towards corruption and making the fight against the latter a part of the value system of the society, as well as in shaping the behaviour of citizens to personally reject corruption. At the forum, Head of the Anti-Corruption Policy Development and Monitoring Department of the Ministry of Justice Lara Petrosyan presented the actions enshrined by the Anti-Corruption Strategy for anti-corruption education and public awareness. Interested state bodies and civil society representatives held discussions and exchanged views on issues related to anti-corruption education and public awareness, reached agreements on strengthening and deepening the co-operation between the public and public sectors and combining efforts to shape intolerable attitude towards corruption among the society. The forum was organised and held by the Anti-Corruption Coalition of Armenian Civil Society Organisations (CSOs) of Armenia (CSO Anti-Corruption Coalition of Armenia), in collaboration with the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Armenia and the first working group of the Armenian National Platform of the Eastern Partnership Civil Society Forum (EaP CSF Armenian National Platform) in the sphere of the JUREMONIA — Justice Reform Monitoring in Armenia" Project.