There is a winner of the competition announced within the scope of awareness-raising campaign for whistle-blowing system and co-operation with the German Society for International Co-operation (GIZ)

The results of the competition — announced within the scope of the awareness-raising campaign for the whistle-blowing system and co-operation with the German Society for International Cooperation (GIZ) aimed at reducing the negative perceptions of whistle-blowers, raising public awareness of the vital role of whistle-blowers, as well as emphasising the role of the Unified Electronic Platform for Whistle-blowing ( in combating corruption — have been summed up. Through the one-year campaign, it is envisaged to carry out activities aimed at raising awareness about the whistle-blowing system for regional and local self-government bodies and the education system, show informational videos about the whistle-blowing system for the public, post targeted information on the official websites of state bodies, etc. Out of a number of sector-specific organisations that submitted applications to participate in the competition, the Armenian Lawyers' Association non-governmental organisation was declared the winner, and educational and other activities arising from the awareness-raising campaign will be held with the non-governmental organisation in order to raise awareness about the whistle-blowing system and improve the applicability indicator of the platform.