Institution of anti-corruption programmes officers, their rights and obligations — Training held at Ministry of Justice


Deputy Minister of Justice Karen Karapetyan delivered a speech at the training event organised for anti-corruption programme officers of the bodies implementing or co-implementing the actions provided for in the Anti-Corruption Strategy.

The Deputy Minister attached importance to the role of anti-corruption programme officers as those who co-ordinate the anti-corruption actions that are carried out within the scope of competence of the respective state or local self-government body, and the activities aimed at fulfilling the international commitments of the respective body in the anti-corruption field. The Deputy Minister also highlighted the importance of the capacity-building of anti-corruption programme officers — the aim of the training.

Representatives of the Ministry of Justice presented the institution of anti-corruption programme officers introduced after the amendments made to the Law "On public service", the need for introduction of the institution, the rights and obligations of anti-corruption programme officers, as well as issues related to methodical support for anti-corruption programme officers as part of implementation of the Anti-Corruption Strategy and other programmes.

The programme officers discussed issues related to implementation of the actions provided for in the Anti-Corruption Strategy and submission of the international monitoring reports and the problems that have emerged in practice, the solutions to which will be provided in the guide to be developed in the near future. In order to ensure the effective activities of the anti-corruption programme officers, it was decided to hold ongoing discussions; also the main issues of regulation of the guide being developed for anti-corruption programme officers were predetermined.