New centre to provide full services, also corruption risks to be reduced - Citizens’ reception centre opens in building of Compulsory Enforcement Service


Under the leadership of Acting Minister of Justice Grigor Minasyan and Head of the Compulsory Enforcement Service Sergey Meghryan, a Citizens’ Reception Centre has been opened in the administrative building of the Compulsory Enforcement Service.

During a tour, Grigor Minasyan got acquainted with the activities of the Centre.

"The idea of establishing the centre emerged after a study of the applications received from citizens. Our studies have shown that advice given over the phone was often not a source of complete information for citizens. Citizens used to come here to become fully familiar with the information, but the conditions were not too satisfactory. The new Centre will provide full services, and corruption risks will also be reduced," Minasyan stated.

The key objective of establishment of the Citizens’ Reception Centre is to ensure regulated and controlled connection between compulsory enforcement officers and citizens in the administrative building of the Service.

"Employees will escort citizens to the Reception Centre, and then contact the particular enforcement officer or, in his or her absence, the substitute employee of the particular department and invite him or her to the Centre. Employees may provide citizens with information related to enforcement proceedings, accept applications, statements, provide advice, or hand over the decisions rendered within proceedings, via computer,” Head of the Division for Citizens' Services of the Compulsory Enforcement Service of the Ministry of Justice Khachatur Igityan stated.

The Compulsory Enforcement Service has been implementing complex reforms for a long time. Increasing the efficiency of citizens' services is one of the issues requiring a primary solution. Activities have already been carried out in this regard during the last 2 years — the number of operators servicing hotline calls has been increased, the "KoArgelank" quick response group has been created and is operating successfully, a toolkit for operational electronic communication with the Service has been launched on the official website of the Compulsory Enforcement Service (