
Discussion on the results, objectives and perspectives of the activities of the Probation Service in the first year

According to Deputy Minister Suren Krmoyan, by launching the Probation Service, the Government of the Republic of Armenia stated and affirmed its will to introduce restorative justice systems, and this means that the aims of punishment can be achieved not only by holding persons within detention facilities, but also by re-socialising them.

Working discussion on development of Action Plan for implementation of the current Anti-Corruption Strategy and a new strategy

During the meeting, Suren Krmoyan discussed with the participants the Action Plan of the current Strategy and its implemented and to-be-implemented components, the recommendations for the development of the new strategy and issues related to the choice of the format for further co-operation. Afterwards, the participants held an active discussion on the issues presented.

Number of visits to exceeds 104 000 in December 2017

Last year, the number of drafts posted on the website by state authorities exceeded 600, 25 of which are currently in the stage of public discussion, and the number of permanent users of the website reached more than 10 000. It is worth mentioning that recommendations for draft legal acts via website are very often submitted by judges, heads of chair of higher education institutions, lecturers, lawyers, students, representatives from the civil society, which attests to the fact that the website serves its purpose.

Minister of Justice receives European colleagues of EU-Armenia Parliamentary Co-operation Committee

Today, Minister of Justice of the Republic of Armenia Davit Harutyunyan received the European colleagues of the EU-Armenia Parliamentary Co-operation Committee headed by Co-Chair of the Committee Sajjad Karim. Minister Harutyunyan expressed gratitude to the colleagues for the large-scale activities jointly carried out, and touched upon the processes having been implemented in the legislative sector following the amendments to the Constitution in 2015 and the processes being implemented in the legislative sector ahead of 9 April 2018.

Public discussion on implementation of the Action Plan arising from National Strategy for the Protection of Human Rights

Greeting the participants of the meeting, Deputy Minister and Co-ordinator of the Action Plan Vigen Kocharyan presented the agenda for discussion and stated that at the end of each semester these public discussions, as a tool for monitoring the programme implemented by the state bodies and ensuring the government-civil society dialogue, will be held regularly.

Minister of Justice receives OSCE/ODIHR representative

Chief of the Rule of Law Unit Ghenadie Barba expressed gratitude to the Minister for the reception and emphasised that the judicial-legal reforms being carried out by the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Armenia are a necessity

Participation of citizens and civil society in development of state policy and legal acts is growing

The website provides the opportunity for state bodies to introduce draft legal acts to the public and organise public discussions online and ensures active participation of the representatives of civil society in the law-making activities that are being carried out.

Minister of Justice receives representative of Human Rights Watch human rights organisation

Minister Harutyunyan expressed gratitude to the human rights advocate for the close co-operation and, upon the request of his counterpart, touched upon a number of regulations in the draft Law of the Republic of Armenia "On making supplements and amendments to the Family Code of the Republic of Armenia".

Discussion on the topic of "Improvement of Procedural Actions with the Participation of Children" held in Yerevan

Deputy Minister of Justice of the Republic of Armenia Suren Krmoyan, attaching importance to the organisation of meetings in such a format, noted that the first steps aimed at the professional training of judges examining juvenile cases in Armenia were undertaken years ago.

Minister of Justice receives OSCE/ODIHR representatives

The recommendations in the final report of the OSCE/ODIHR observation mission with regard to the parliamentary elections of the Republic of Armenia of 2 April 2017, the activities being carried out in that direction and the prospects for co-operation were discussed during the meeting.

2017-2021 Institutional Development Strategy of the authorised body for protection of personal data

Greeting the attendees, Suren Krmoyan attached importance to discussions held in such a format and emphasised that the protection of personal data is in the centre of attention of the Government of the Republic of Armenia. According to Suren Krmoyan, by adopting a new law, the Government has demonstrated political will to regulate this sector.

Minister of Justice receives Executive Secretary of GRECO

The Executive Secretary of the GRECO expressed gratitude to the Minister of Justice of the Republic of Armenia for the effective collaboration and emphasised that Armenia is on the right track in the fight against corruption.