
"Promoting Resocialization of Juveniles/Youth in Conflict with Law" Programme launched

Greeting the attendees, Suren Krmoyan attached importance to such involvement of the public sector in the difficult activities for reintegration of persons having committed a crime. The Deputy Minister added that the component of resocialisation is emphasised in the state policy on criminal justice so that persons having committed a crime are reintegrated into society and the cases of recidivism are reduced. Summing up, Suren Krmoyan expressed hope that it would be possible to talk about the results of the programme a year later.

Observation group for public oversight holds annual reporting discussion

Greeting the participants of the discussion, Suren Krmoyan emphasised that, with the creation of the observation group for public oversight over penitentiary institutions, the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Armenia introduced within penitentiary institutions an effective mechanism for human rights protection in order to assess the results of the performed activities and identify the current problems.

Workshop aimed at improving judicial and penitentiary systems held

Judges, experts having arrived from the EU member states, representatives of international organisations and civil society have participated in the practical discussion.

Justice Minister hosts delegation led by Council of Europe Head of Political Affairs Directorate

During the meeting the Minister touched upon the constitutional laws adopted following the amendments to the Constitution and as regards the activities of their elaboration, he attached importance to the active co-operation of the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Armenia with the Venice Commission.

Reforms in State Register Agency of Legal Entities field

The Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Armenia also attaches importance to the awareness of the citizens of the services provided by the State Register Agency of Legal Entities, as by being informed of the sector concerned the person is aware of his or her rights and can protect them.

Davit Harutyunyan discusses probation system reforms with Georgian colleague

Greeting the Minister of Justice of the Republic of Armenia, Minister of Corrections of Georgia, Kakha Kakhishvili, underlined that two countries have one aim, i.e., to achieve the solution of problems within a short period of time.

Justice Minister discusses furthering co-operation in legal sector with Georgian counterpart

Deputy Ministers of Justice of the Republic of Armenia, Arthur Hovhannisyan and Suren Krmoyan, also participated in the meeting.

Georgian-Armenian second legal forum launched

Minister Harutyunyan extended thanks to his partners for organising Georgian-Armenian second legal forum in Tbilisi and noted that such discussions contribute to further mutually beneficial co-operation and to deepening the partnership in legal sector.

Armenia’s joining Global Partnership to End Violence Against Children discussed

Suren Krmoyan greeted the participants of the meeting and they discussed the joining of Armenia “The Global Partnership to End Violence Against Children” (EVAC), as well as the reasonability of considering the Juvenile Justice Board as a necessary platform for joining the mentioned organisation. The Deputy Minister noted that the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Armenia attaches utmost importance to such an opportunity of international co-operation, which will contribute to reduction and prevention of the cases of violence against children in our country, as well as to the introduction of proven and efficient mechanisms and instruments ensuring child protection.

Davit Harutyunyan: Application of electronic technologies in governance process will have positive impact on all fields of our lives

Minister Davit Harutyunyan extended thanks to the Delegation of the European Union to Armenia and all the partners for continuous support to implementation of key reforms in the state administration system of the Republic of Armenia. "Digitalisation of the state administration system, application of electronic technologies in the process of governance will have positive impact on all the fields of our lives — the state administration system, infrastructures, economy, public life, education, security and the integration processes with the participation of Armenia", the Minister noted adding that modernisation of the state system of Armenia is one of the priorities of the Government.

Public discussion on whistleblowing system introduction held at Justice Ministry

Draft sub-legislative acts, particularly draft decisions of the Government of the Republic of Armenia "On approving the technical description of the unified electronic platform for whistleblowing and the procedure for its operation" and "On approving the standard form of registration and formulation of the reports, as well as on establishing the procedure for implementation of remedies provided to the whistleblower in case of internal and external whistleblowing" were discussed during the working meeting.

12th session of CIS Council of Justice Ministers held in Yerevan

Minister Harutyunyan, greeting the representatives of the Member States, underlined that the Council of Ministries of Justice is actually one of the important CIS members acting efficiently, within the framework of which a number of issues under the jurisdiction of the Ministries of Justice of Member States are discussed and coordinated.