
Session of CIS member states’ workgroup tasked with developing recommendations on improvement of legal assistance implementation mechanisms held

Head of the working group, Vigen Kocharyan, greeted the members of the participant States presenting the agenda of issues to be discussed and wished efficient working discussions.

Opening speech of Justice Minister at public discussion of draft Law on Preventing Domestic Violence

On 9 October a public discussion on the topic of “Combating domestic violence: work done and steps to be taken” took place in Yerevan. The opening speech of Minister of Justice Davit Harutyunyan is presented in full:

Justice Minister receives Harlem Désir, OSCE Media Freedom Representative

During the meeting Minister Harutyunyan and OSCE Representative Désir discussed the state of freedom of speech in Armenia and touched upon more guarantees defined by the amendments to Constitution in 2015 for the right of freedom of expression and the right to information.

Deputy Justice Minister participates in Eastern Partnership Platform on Rule of Law meeting

During the meeting the Deputy Minister of Justice of the Republic of Armenia came with a speech by presenting the steps undertaken towards raising the efficiency of justice and the reforms of the justice sector to be implemented in the future. V. Kocharyan touched upon legal regulations enshrined in the Constitution of the Republic of Armenia and the new draft Judicial Code of the Republic of Armenia indicating the role of the Supreme Judicial Council as an independent body guaranteeing the independence of courts and judges. Deputy Minister informed the participants of the meeting that the new 2018-2023 Action Plan for Legal and Judicial Reforms is currently under development, which is planned to be adopted early in 2018.

Notarial translators’ qualification tests held

As a task, participants were provided with texts in Armenian and a foreign language — selected by them — for the purpose of translating them from Armenian into a foreign language and from a foreign language into Armenian. The texts were not published beforehand. During the qualification test they had the right to use dictionaries and computer equipment without an opportunity of access to the Internet.

Possible joint projects for justice sector reforms discussed with international partners

The Minister extended thanks to the attendees for participating in the regular meeting of the Donor Coordination Group and noted that the Government and the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Armenia highly appreciate the engagement of international partners in every field of reforms.

Corruption combat issues and tasks discussed with non-governmental and public sector partners

Suren Krmoyan highly appreciated the role of non-governmental organisations in the fight against corruption and expressed willingness, on behalf of the Ministry of Justice, to deepen current active and efficient co-operation with all the organisations interested within the framework the anti-corruption fight.

Justice Minister receives Iranian Ambassador

Minister Davit Harutyunyan highly appreciated the co-operation between the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Armenia and the Embassy of the Islamic Republic of Iran in the Republic of Armenia and expressed his satisfaction concerning the fact of recent ratification of the concluded Agreement “On Transfer of the Convicts between the Republic of Armenia and the Islamic Republic of Iran" by the legislative body of Iran, assuring that it will convey new quality to the current co-operation in the legal sector.

Justice Minister receives United Nations Special Rapporteur

During the meeting the parties discussed a number of issues concerning institutional reforms in the healthcare system of the penitentiary institutions, touched upon the rights to the healthcare enshrined in the newly amended Constitution and the mechanisms of their implementation.

Public campaign targeted at elimination of violence against children

The event was organised by "World Vision Armenia" NGO. Ten Armenian non-governmental organisations engaged in the protection of children's rights joined the initiative.

Regular session of Steering Committee for "Support to Human Rights Protection in Armenia" Budget Support Programme held

Minister Davit Harutyunyan welcomed the convening of the regular session of the Steering Committee and touched upon the background and goals of the Agreement signed in 2015, as well as focal areas stipulated in the Agreement. The Minister stated that such meetings allow overseeing implementation of the Agreement, as well as discuss further steps.

Minister of Justice receives delegation led by Chief of IMF Mission to Armenia

The Minister and the IMF representative discussed a number of issues of mutual interest and particularly touched upon the fight against corruption and the activities targeted at improvement of the investment environment.