
Chairperson of National Assembly of Republic of Artsakh receives delegation led by Minister of Justice of the Republic of Armenia Artak Zeynalyan

The Minister of Justice of the Republic of Armenia noted that the issue of protection of the rights of the residents of Artsakh, conditioned by the results of the Azerbaijan-Nagorno Karabakh conflict, was in the centre of attention of the Government of the Republic of Armenia. Artak Zeynalyan assured that the Government of the Republic of Armenia would try to assist in the training of specialists within the framework of the co-operation with the colleagues in Artsakh.

OECD Armenia significantly improved its position in combating corruption

In particular, the Report on Armenia drawn up as a result of the 4th round of evaluation was evaluated during the plenary session of the Anti-Corruption Action Plan (hereinafter referred to as the Plan) of the Anti-Corruption Network for Eastern Europe and Central Asia of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) held in Paris (French Republic) from 2-5 July of this year.

Draft "On the procedure for organising and holding public discussions" considered with the participation of NGOs

Anahit Antonyan presented the main provisions of the secondary legal act to be considered to about two dozens of representatives of non-governmental organisations present at the meeting; according to those provisions, draft legal acts (except for the draft laws on ratifying international treaties), the decisions of the Government drafted under the Annual Action Plans of the Government developed by public administration bodies shall be subject to public consideration, and the drafts of other regulatory legal acts might be put for public consideration at the initiative of the body having developed the draft regulatory legal act or the body adopting the draft regulatory legal act.

Minister of Foreign Affairs of Artsakh meets with Minister of Justice of Armenia Artak Zeynalyan

The Ministers also exchanged ideas on development of the legal-contractual base in the relations between the Republic of Artsakh and the Republic of Armenia.

Meeting with Minister of Justice of the Republic of Armenia Artak Zeynalyan

Minister of Justice of the Republic of Artsakh Ararat Danielyan and other officials participated in the meeting.

Discussion devoted to reform in bankruptcy sector

Members of the Supreme Judicial Council, judges of the Cassation Court, the Court of Appeal and the First Instance Court of the Republic of Armenia, representatives of the Ministry of Finance, the Central Bank of the Republic of Armenia, the State Revenue Committee and the Union of Banks, bankruptcy administrators and others participated in the discussion organised by the "Centre for Legislation Development and Legal Research" Foundation of the Ministry of Justice with the support of the USAID.

Minister of Justice receives Ambassador of Japan to Armenia

The Minister greeted the Ambassador and noted that Japan was one of the best friends of the Government of Armenia with which there was a big potential to deepen the co-operation.

National lawyer to be seconded to the ECHR

With the purpose of making the process of selecting the national lawyer to be seconded more transparent, the Minister Justice of the Republic of Armenia has signed an order on approving the procedure for organisation of a competition of contenders, establishment and activities of the competition commission.

Minister Zeynalyan visits Justice Academy and "Expertise Centre" SNCO

On the same day, Minister Zeynalyan also visited the "Expertise Centre" SNCO of the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Armenia. During the tour, Director of the Centre Artashes Suchyan and the heads of divisions introduced to the Minister the activities of the institution, the facilities for performing expert-examination, as well as the conditions of the expert-examination equipment.

Working discussion on the Law of the Republic of Armenia "On regulatory legal acts"

Artur Hovhannisyan attached importance to the organisation of such discussions of laws in terms of establishing a common practice in the course of enforcement thereof and noted that there was a constant flow of questions regarding the Law both in the course of development of the draft and after adoption of the Law. Within that context, the Deputy Minister assured that the Law would be reviewed after a while. The First Deputy Minister wished the participants a productive and meaningful discussion.

Minister of Justice assigns to raise level of effectiveness of services provided by notaries

Chairperson of the Chamber Vanine Hovsepyan expressed her gratitude to the Minister for the visit and noted that even though amendments have been made to the Law of the Republic of Armenia "On Notary" during recent years, there is still a need to improve the sector. The Chairperson of the Chamber attached special importance to the need for notaries to establish a common practice and the need for the creation of a unified archive.

Vigen Kocharyan participates in round-table discussion entitled "Combating racial discrimination and intolerance"

The objective of the meeting was to find - as a result of holding discussions - proportionate solutions for ensuring implementation of the recommendations presented in the 2016 Report of the European Commission against Racism and Intolerance (ECRI) on Armenia.