
On the current results of the process of admission for instruction to be appointed to a position in the Patrol Service and the courses (updated)

As we had already informed, due to the martial law declared in the Republic of Armenia on 27 September of this year and the COVID-19 pandemic, a new schedule for admission for instruction at the Patrol Service was approved under the Order of the Head of the Police of the Republic of Armenia of 26 October 2020, by which the deadline for admission tests and interviews were extended until 21 November.

Discussion at the Ministry of Justice

On 24 November, a working discussion devoted to the coordination of domestic and foreign legal procedures and efforts for the use of mercenaries and foreign terrorist fighters by Turkey and Azerbaijan during the war in Artsakh was held under the chairmanship of Minister of Justice Rustam Badasyan.

The activities of the reception of the Ministry of Justice and the Joint Office of Public Services are suspended for the time being

The Ministry of Justice informs that due to the spread of COVID-19, the Civil Status Acts Registration Agency of the Ministry of Justice temporarily suspends the service of citizens at the reception of the Ministry of Justice, besides the Joint Office of Public Services located at 3 Vazgen Sargsyan Street is also temporarily closed.

Current results of the process of admission to trainings for the purpose of being appointed to a position in the patrol service and the courses

Based on the announcement on the joint admission-competition for the purpose of being appointed to a position in the patrol service, the applicants having succeeded in the selection stage of applicants, the admission-competition tests (comprehensive test (testing) of professional competence compliance and physical fitness test) and the interview and having passed the competition, have the right to participate in five months intensive courses.

The Notary Chamber to be available in 24/7 mode

aking as a basis the martial law declared in the Republic of Armenia, the Notary Chamber of the Republic of Armenia will be available in 24/7 mode.

Rustam Badasyan receives Chargé d'Affaires of the United Kingdom

oday, Minister of Justice Rustam Badasyan received Chargé d'Affaires of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland in Armenia Helen Fazey. The Minister congratulated Mrs Fazey on assuming the mission and expressed hope that success in deepening and expanding co-operation, especially in the justice sector will be recorded during the term of office of Mrs Fazey.

Trainers of Patrol Service undergo training

Today, the training programme for the trainers of the Patrol Service was launched.

Rustam Badasyan calls on staff of Compulsory Enforcement Service to pay special attention to attachments being imposed unfairly

On 22 September, at the Compulsory Enforcement Service, Minister of Justice Rustam Badasyan participated in the solemn award ceremony for employees and the oath-taking and handing over of official certificates to persons having been appointed to the position of compulsory enforcement officer for the first time.

Rustam Badasyan bids farewell to the USAID Armenia Mission Director

Today, during an online meeting, Minister of Justice Rustam Badasyan bade farewell to outgoing USAID Armenia Mission Director Deborah Grieser, and thanked her for her excellent co-operation.

It is also possible to receive the statement of information on marital status and duplicates of civil status acts registration certificates in an electronic format

The Ministry of Justice had earlier announced that it had launched the platform within the framework of digital agenda. Through the mentioned platform, it became possible to receive without visiting a territorial body of the Civil Status Acts Registration Agency not only the statement of information on marital status, but also, from now on, duplicates of civil status acts registration certificates in an electronic format and certified by Apostille.

State duties for registration of marriage, issuing of statements of information on registration of civil status acts to be removed, the time periods for providing a number of services to be reduced

The Government is carrying out revolutionary reforms in the field of rendering public services. The legislative package approved by the Government today will ensure the digitisation of public services being provided by the Ministry of Justice, simplification of the administrative action, reduction of the time periods, improvement of the quality of services being rendered, and reduction of corruption risks.

More than 90 state services are available in one place

The Ministry of Justice reminds that the first Unified Office for Public Services has been launched in the centre of Yerevan. All comfortable conditions have been created for citizens to receive from the unified centre the services rendered by the following agencies: