
The rights of persons deprived of liberty are considered solely in the light of their content — Response of the Ministry of Justice to the Report of Human Rights Defender

On 3 February, the Ad Hoc Public Report of the Human Rights Defender on "The inadmissibility of permanent presence of a penitentiary officer in the hospital room of a person deprived of liberty (with the example of a detained person)” was published.

Deputy Minister of Justice Armen Hovhannisyan and Head of the Penitentiary Service Artur Goyunyan visit "Armavir" Penitentiary Institution

On 2 February 2021, Deputy Minister of Justice of the Republic of Armenia Armen Hovhannisyan toured "Armavir" Penitentiary Institution of the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Armenia, accompanied by Head of the Penitentiary Service of the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Armenia, Major-General of Justice Artur Goyunyan, the deputy heads of the Penitentiary Service and the heads of the respective subdivisions of the Central Body of the Penitentiary Service.

Rustam Badasyan discusses with Ambassador of Belarus a number of issues related to the fight against corruption

Today, Minister of Justice Rustam Badasyan received newly appointed Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Belarus to Armenia Alexander Konyuk. The Minister congratulated the Ambassador on his appointment, welcomed to Armenia and expressed confidence that the Ambassador will contribute with his activities to the development and strengthening of ties between the two countries.

Deputy Minister Grigoryan receives her counterpart from the Council of Europe

Today, Deputy Minister of Justice Kristinne Grigoryan received Maxime Longangue, Deputy Head of the Council of Europe Office in Yerevan. Deputy Minister Grigoryan highly appreciated the co-operation between the Council of Europe and the Office in Yerevan, emphasised the importance of the projects having been implemented and those under implementation as a result thereof, and expressed willingness to continue the mutual interaction.

Report on course of implementation of actions envisaged under Anti-Corruption Strategy, results of monitoring and evaluation

This report presents the process of implementation of the tasks set for the year 2020 in the Action Plan envisaged under the Anti-Corruption Strategy, as well as the results of monitoring and evaluation of the completed tasks; moreover, it also presents the progress made and the existing challenges.

Rustam Badasyan receives Ambassador of Netherlands

Today, Minister of Justice Rustam Badasyan received Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Kingdom of the Netherlands to Armenia Nico Schermers. The Minister congratulated the Ambassador on his appointment, attached importance to the fact that the bilateral relations entered a qualitatively new stage after the velvet revolution that took place in 2018 and to the decision of the Netherlands to open an embassy in Armenia. Rustam Badasyan expressed certainty that the existing potential in the justice sector will be realised during the term of office of the Ambassador.

Refutation. The Ministry of Justice has not received any contract within the scope of any procedure

Министерство юстиции Республики Армения не получало какого-либо договора в рамках какой-либо процедуры. Распространяемая в прессе информация является ложной.

On the current results of the process of admission for instruction to be appointed to a position in the Patrol Service, and on the courses (updated)

As we had already informed, on 5 December of this year, the results of admission for instruction to be appointed to a position in the Patrol Service of the Police of the Republic of Armenia were summarised at the 5 th session of the Admissions Commission, after which the process of conclusion of contratcts with 770 applicants having passed the competition was launched.

National Archives of Armenia has new director

Upon the order of Minister of Justice of the Republic of Armenia Rustam Badasyan, Grigor Arshakyan has been appointed Director of the “National Archives of Armenia” State Non-Commercial Organisation starting from 18 December 2020.

Resource rooms opened at several penitentiary institutions

Since September 2019, Armenia has been implementing a programme entitled “For the sake of human rights: education at penitentiary institutions”, the aim of which is to draw the public’s attention to fundamental issues related to the right to education at penitentiary institutions and support the implementation of educational initiatives.

Deputy Minister Grigoryan presents the course of implementation of judicial-legal reforms to EU partners

The third meeting of the EU-Armenia Partnership Council was held on 17 December in Brussels, and the Armenian delegation participating in the session was led by Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Armenia Ara Aivazian.

Rustam Badasyan:"Judicial and Anti-Corruption Reforms remain the priority directions for our Government"

This direct financial contribution recognizes and supports the Government commendable efforts to advance important, comprehensive legislative and institutional reforms in the judiciary and therefore also improve the overall business environment.