Data of Agency for State Register of Legal Entities available online for persons carrying out media activity free of charge starting today; application form approved
From now on, the information in the register of the Agency for State Register of Legal Entities will be available online for persons carrying out media activity free of charge. Let us mention that, in the past, the mass media used to pay a state duty to receive information regarding each legal entity.
Clarification of the Ministry of Justice regarding the message disseminated by the Chamber of Advocates
On 27 April 2020, the Standing Committee on Protection of Human Rights and Public Affairs of the National Assembly held a discussion on the draft Law “On making amendments to the Criminal Code of the Republic of Armenia” submitted by the “Bright Armenia” parliamentary faction, which envisaged criminalising obstruction of the professional activities of an advocate during the exercise of his or her powers, as well as offending or defaming the advocate in relation to the exercise of his or her powers.
Rustam Badasyan introduces newly appointed Secretary General to staff of Ministry of Justice
Today, Minister of Justice Rustam Badasyan introduced newly appointed Secretary General of the Ministry Suren Galstyan to the staff. The Minister congratulated Suren Galstyan on his appointment and wished him success in the new job.
Police Reform Strategy of the Republic of Armenia approved
Today, the Government approved the Reform Strategy and the 2020-2022 Action Plan of the Police of the Republic of Armenia.
Note for bankruptcy administrators
The Ministry of Justice would like to inform that there are a number of specifics prescribed for cases of expiry of the term of office of a bankruptcy administrator, including the following:
Limited services for Civil Status Acts Registration (CSAR) will be expanded starting from 17 April
Attaching importance to the need to provide services in the civil status acts registration sector (CSAR) during the state of emergency, the services limited by the Ministry of Justice will be expanded starting from 17 April 2020 with the following scope: in the city of Yerevan:
There will be Integrity Check (vetting) of officials: Q&A with the Ministry of Justice on this topic
The term “Vetting” which received large acknowledgment among the public, in line with the Constitution is projected in the package of amendments to the Constitutional Law “Judicial Code” and related laws which has been adopted by the National Assembly and is with signature by the President of Armenia.
Rustam Badasyan remotely participated in St. Petersburg International Legal Forum
On 10 April, at the invitation of the Minister of Justice of the Russian Federation, Minister of Justice Rustam Badasyan participated in the St. Petersburg International Legal Forum, which was held remotely and was devoted to the legal regulations conditioned by the coronavirus.
What activities are being carried out to prevent penetration of the coronavirus disease into penitentiary institutions?
A number of measures aimed at preventing penetration of the coronavirus disease into penitentiary institutions have been earmarked by the decision of the Government on declaring a state of emergency.
Some employees of Protection Division of "Vardashen" Penitentiary Institution diagnosed with COVID-19, had no contact with persons being kept at Penitentiary Institution
Sampling for coronavirus testing has been carried out at “Vardashen” Penitentiary Institution of the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Armenia, and as a result, one of the employees of the Protection Division of “Vardashen” Penitentiary Institution has been diagnosed with COVID-19.
Minisry of Justice has launched a new tool for e-governance (
For the purpose of ensuring transparency and accountability of the activities of the Government in the field of human rights protection, the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Armenia has developed the platform with the support of the Promotion and Protection of Human Rights in Armenia Project, which is funded by the European Union and being implemented by the United Nations Development Programme, the United Nations Population Fund and the.
Announcement on activities of the service offices of the Ministry of Justice
Based on Decision of the Commandant of the Republic of Armenia No 15 of 24 March 2020, the service offices under the subordination of the Ministry of Justice will not operate from 25 to 31 March 2020.