
Penitentiary and Probation Services submit negative report on the matter of early conditional release of N. Hunanyan

On 19 September 2019, the Penitentiary Service submitted a negative report on early conditional release of life-sentenced convict N. Hunanyan. On 23 October 2019, the Probation Service submitted a negative report as well.

Public Discussion on the National Strategy for Human Rights Protection and the Action Plan for 2020-2022 deriving therefrom held

Today, the public discussion on the draft National Strategy for Human Rights Protection and the Action Plan for 2020-2022 deriving therefrom started with participation of Deputy Minister of Justice Kristinne Grigoryan. It was organised by joint efforts of the Ministry of Justice and the Partnership for Open Society Initiative, aiming at making the process of developing strategic documents more participatory.

Representatives of civil society invited to the discussions on the Strategy for Human Rights Protection.

The Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Armenia developed and published on the Unified platform for publishing draft legal acts a new National Strategy for Human Rights Protection and the Action Plan for 2020-2022 deriving therefrom (hereinafter referred to as "Strategic Documents") in close co-operation with interested state bodies and non-governmental organisations. With the view to making the process of developing Strategic documents more participatory and transparent, the Ministry of Justice jointly with the Partnership for Open Society Initiative starts sector-specific discussions on a new National Strategy for Human Rights Protection and the Action Plan for 2020-2022 deriving therefrom.

Unexpected search conducted in "Sevan" Penitentiary Institution by the instruction of Rustam Badasyan

As a result of inspection activities carried out by the instruction of Minister of Justice Rustam Badasyan, on 23 October, officers of the Operational Unit and the Unit for Ensuring Safety of "Sevan" Penitentiary Institution of the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Armenia conducted an unexpected search in the cell of convict A. I. serving the punishment in "Sevan" Penitentiary Institution and in the cache he pointed out, they detected and confiscated a mobile phone with a subscription card, which belonged to the convict and was a prohibited item. Materials are being prepared with regard to the case, an official investigation was assigned.

Budget allocation bid of the Ministry of Justice discussed

Discussions of budget allocation bids of state agencies continues in the Government chaired by Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan. In particular, today, the 2020 state budget allocation bid for the Ministry of Justice was discussed.

Discussion on "Perspectives of penitentiary system reforms"

Today a discussion on "Perspectives of penitentiary system reforms" took place with participation of Deputy Minister of Justice Srbuhi Galyan. Representatives of the Penitentiary System of the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Armenia, the staff of the Human Rights Defender, the members of observation group carrying out public monitoring in penitentiary institutions and bodies of the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Armenia, civil society and others participated in the event.

Training course entitled "Assistance to the Ministry of Justice in legal approximation in line with the EU standards" started

Today, a training course held within the framework of "Assistance to the Ministry of Justice in legal approximation in line with EU standards" project started with participation of Deputy Minister of Justice Kristinne Grigoryan and Head of the EU Delegation to Armenia, Ambassador Andrea Wiktorin.

National Strategy for Human Rights Protection and the Action Plan deriving therefrom submitted for public discussion

The Ministry of Justice submitted for public discussion the draft decision of the Government of the Republic of Armenia "On approving the National Strategy for Protection of Human Rights and the Action Plan for 2020-2022 deriving therefrom" on the Unified platform for publishing draft legal acts.

Salaries of penitentiary system officers will increase by about 30 percent. Rustam Badasyan

On 21 October, a solemn session devoted to 100th anniversary of the penitentiary system and the Penitentiary Officers Day took place in Yerevan. Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Armenia Tigran Avinyan, Minister of Justice Rustam Badasyan, Head of the Penitentiary Service Artur Guyunyan, Human Rights Defender Arman Tatoyan, Secretary of the Security Council Armen Grigoryan, Head of the Special Investigation Service Sasun Khachatryan, Chairperson of the Investigative Committee Hayk Grigoryan, Acting Chief Compulsory Enforcement Officer of the Republic of Armenia Davit Beginyan, Chairperson of the Chamber of Advocates Ara Zohrabyan, high-ranking officials of the National Security Service, the Police, current and former penitentiary service officers and others participated in the event.

Ministers of Justice of Armenia and France reach agreement on deepening of co-operation

On 15 October, during the visit to Strasbourg, Minister of Justice Rustam Badasyan met with Minister of Justice of the French Republic Nicole Belloubet.

Ministers of Justice of Armenia and Georgia reach agreement on deepening of partnership in legal sector

On 14 October, during the visit to the city of Strasbourg of the French Republic, Minister of Justice Rustam Badasyan met with Minister of Justice of Georgia Thea Tsulukiani.

Rustam Badasyan discusses a range of issues relating to judicial and legal reforms in Armenia with Secretary General of the Council of Europe

On 15 October, Minister of Justice Rustam Badasyan met with Secretary General of the Council of Europe Maria Pejčinović Burić in Strasbourg. During the meeting, Minister Badasyan touched upon the judicial and legal reforms and reforms in the fight against corruption in Armenia, presented the latest developments and particularly touched upon the regulations provided for by the two strategies that the Government recently adopted.